Canoeing on the River Severn is a great way to enjoy a day out with friends or the family and we've come up with 5 reasons why it's such a great activity!
1. It's relaxing.
You can't beat the peace and tranquillity of paddling on the River Severn. There's something so special about being out on the water, surrounded by beautiful countryside...
2. It's fun.
We have so many laughs as a family on the water. It's the one time we can just switch off from the world and enjoy being together as a family.
3. You get to go on a train afterwards!
We just love the way we can paddle down the river and be at one with nature and then get the heritage train back to Bridgnorth. It's such a special way to end the day.
4. Picnics by the riverside.
We love a good picnic and it just feels so nice to park the canoe up on a little beach area and enjoy a good old picnic on the edge of the river.
5. Apres river!
Just like when we go skiing, we like to treat ourselves to what feels like a much earned drink after a day of paddling on the River Severn.
If you've been inspired, you can explore our canoe trips via our website www.riverseverncanoes.co.uk